Monday, July 4, 2011


No one knows where or what Hatch is.
It's a nice, quaint place where the Lucky 7 Ranch exists.
This Ranch is owned by some friends, so we were invited to chill there for the big fourth of July celebration.
This place includes swimming at a pond, fishing, 4wheeling, horse back riding, camping, bonfires, fireworks, yummy food, games, delightful conversations, and being woken-up at 6-7:30 by cannons, or little kiddos.
The greatest weekend!
Ms. Tam and I mostly hung out with the small ones. Playing flag football, 500, sardines, dominoes...kissing tag, wow joking joking. Besides a little unknown-runt that liked being nasty to the kids I love (I took care of her), it was all fine and dandy. The last night Ms. Tam and I were talkin' to the adult when all the little girls swarmed us and asked if they could sleep in our winnie tent with us. How could I refuse those puppy dog eyes. Only four girls ended out squishing in with us. Two of which we're our nieces. I told a quick princess story and we all went to sleep cramed and HOT.
This little small fry was the CUTEST thing ever.We arrived late Thursday night. So this one was asleep. The next morning, we heard our names being called. We got out, and this little girl, Tess, was the first to run into my arms.

Some family and I were gathered around eating lunch.  Tess was sitting right across from me, so I promptly placed my feet on her chair. She gave me a stern look, and said "OH MY GOSH!" and shoved my feet.

She also saved me a seat at the firework show. I walked by she said "Aunt Kim, I saved you seat." I said "you did?" she replies with "serious"

Love her! Oh and baby Clara...SO CUTE! She looks a lot like Tess when she was a baby.
PS i was asked on date by a certain someone. I said I'd think about it. We won't name names yet.

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