Thursday, September 13, 2012

We tried something new.

We were bored.
I wanted to take pictures of the lightening.
It didn't work out.
I asked Tam to do something cool.
This is what she came up with.
You see we've been kinda obsessed with the Lord of the Rings lately.
I guess thats what happens when you watch all of the extended versions and eagerly awaiting The Hobbit.

I prayed for a social experience.
I was hoping one with a good looking guy.
Tam has class after institute. I don't.
I decided to hang in the institute building this time around to waste a little time.
So get this, I'm sittin' on the couch watching the CES fireside and one of the institute teachers comes up to me. I had my earphones in. She motioned to her ears and mouths "can you hear me?"
hahahaha i don't know why i still think thats so funny but i do.
I paused my spiritual moment and said yes.
She started to tell me about her dating and courtship class and how she has like 20 boys and only 10 girls.
She proceeded to tell me about how she was doing speed dating for her lesson.
Clever Heavenly Father.
I excepted her request.
It was fun to say the least.
i thought one boy was cute until i stood up and realized he was 4 inches short than i was.
nothing against short men. in fact they should marry tall women so they can balance out the next generation.
haha i kill myself.
The best part was after class one of the boys came up to me and started talking about something completely random. Asking questions like I knew the answer.
Shortly after seeing my blank face he realized that he had mistaken me for another girl he had talked to.
To put it lightly he was embarrassed and walked away.
i would be to. i would be to.


Zuey said...

You are hilarious! I miss you.

ruthie.von said...

Haha nice. This is great. I loooooove your blog. KIM.