Tuesday, February 19, 2013


We went to a different singles ward.
This hasn't happened for almost 3 years.
We joined our cousin at his BYU ward.
I think I'm pretty much hooked.
There is a whole slew of new meat. I like it.
Is it ok that I refer to men as meat? because I did. 
Oh and did I mention we're moving out?
Yep you heard right.
We're going to be adults. Actual adults.
We're growing up and moving on.
My Dad gave me a little warning "You do realize you might not come back, and if you do, you'll probably have a ring on your finger." 
"Dad. Stop"
"I just want you to face the facts."
I'm still laughing. He's gonna miss his girls and our dessert every night.
We'll be at the party apartment at the end of April.
Come on over.

I'm trying out the butt head look. I'm still unsure about it.
Any opinions?


Katrina said...

love the look, and phillip didn't even notice the hair change on sunday which means he thought it was normal aka good:) you two are going to be the main attraction in your new ward. get excited, and buy bear spray:)

ruthie.von said...

You two. beauts, beauts, beauts.

Huzzah for your exciting news :)